Friday, November 21, 2014

Mommy moos like a cow.

This post is all about the milk. 

With my first baby I nursed her for a full year and let me tell u, it wasn't the easiest thing. It takes a lot of commitment to go that long. Most the time u can't be away from your baby for too long, so you are always on a time crunch. I love nursing and have been extremely blessed with babies that also love to nurse. 

Last baby I was crazy because she was my first and I didn't really want anyone else to feed her so I didn't really give pumping a shot. I would try every now and then but when I couldn't get very much out I just gave up. This time around is a little different. 

I want daddy to be able to feed KJ, I want for the hubby and I to go out on a date and not worry if we have been gone for longer than a feeding. It's hard to pump though, especially when my milk has regulated to KJs needs. I don't produce any more milk than I need to, so how do I pump? I've figured out something that is working really well for me and I wanted to share in case it can help anyone else. 

Normally, KJ nurses on both sides every time he eats except at night time. He only nurses on one side which gave me an idea. When I nurse KJ at 10pm to go to bed he nurses on the left side (my left side produces the most milk, about 3oz) and he goes down. He sleeps until about 2:20-3am then wakes up to eat so I nurse him on the left side AGAIN. He falls back asleep and by that time my right side is completely full so I pump about 2oz put it in a bag in the fridge. You can add milk together as long as it's within the same 24 hours so I usually can pump 2 nights and have it be within the same 24 hours and have a full bag (about 5 oz) in 2 days. 

I'm not looking to pump like crazy because I don't need to, I'm a stay at home mom. BUT I do want to go to the gym, I want to go to the grocery store.. ALONE, I want to go out on a date with my hubby without feeling like I'm on a time crunch. I hate to be rushed. So I pump once every night and so when I need it, it's there and I'm not trying to pump right before I leave. KJ spits up A LOT so there are times I nurse him, leave he spits it all up and is hungry before I get home. So this stock pile is a peace of mind and allows me freedom and others to bond with him at the same time. 

I've calmed down a ton this time around and it's made life so much easier. So if you are a first time mom and are a bit mama bear like, it's okay, it gets better lol and if you are a veteran mom you know what I mean. 

Nursing isn't for everyone, don't let the opinions of others ever get you down. You are the parent and whatever you feel is best for u and your baby is your business so keep up the great work! 

Thanks for reading, 
The Cancillas 


  1. Great post sis thanks for sharing! Great idea too

    1. Thanks man! Yeah I'm sacrificing some sleep but it'll be worth it when I have a good stock pile of milk :-)


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